Wednesday 9 January 2013

and another month quickly over... the bitter sweet end!

The last leg has gone extremely fast, in a blink of an eye! I can't believe how much I have fitted in but at the same time still need to do and see!!
As I am writing this I only have 3 days left in Germany, completely mind blowing to think that I have come this far..

So where to begin... after Paris trip everything went flying by!
NOVEMBER: Almost every weekend I was out and about with my German friends and family, soaking in some personal time with them and also living German life in "Sweet home Warnemünde"!!
The weeks of November involved watching many many German movies, since now I can understand pretty much everything.. Highlight was watching my first movie in the cinema called "D
as Schwergewicht" (The Heavyweight) with Jojo and Maxi, we were really meant to go out clubbing but then it turned into a lazy night and a spontaneous trip to the cinema. Maxi and I bought the biggest popcorn and drink I have ever seen, so funny - great night!
The rest of the month past by with school, going to dinner, having games/movie nights with Ditschi, walking along the beach with the fam, going out with friends and watching Friedi's handball games - just normal life, but it was amazing. 

DECEMBER:My last full month I ended up always doing something entertaining/thrilling and I took the opportunities that Germany offered, and even in some cases what Europe had to offer!
1 Dec: BERLIN ROTARY GLOBAL PEACE FORUM!! About two months previously I had worked hard on my speech for the Peace Forum by sending it many people and getting feedback, changing words, adding sentences,trying to put exchange and the feeling of acceptance/ peace someone experiences from undergoing exchange into words that everyone would understand. I also organized over 25 exchange students to come on stage with me and after I had done my speech they would all perform a little piece about their country. All in all it was the most work i'd done throughout my exchange.
The forum for a weekend, where people from all over the world came to Berlin (a city which was struck by devastation regarding the Berlin Wall however has yet found peace) to discuss worldy matter and peace.. it was truly inspiring! Throughout the weekend I helped a lot in the wardrobe with other exchange students and also performed my speech. Here is my speech below;

Hello ladies and gentlemen, I welcome you all here to the Rotary Global Peace Forum of 2012 as one of many Rotary exchange students from all over the world.

My name is Andrea Weedon, an 18 year old girl from Sydney, Australia, and I am here today to explain how Rotary has changed the lives of millions of teenagers, and in effect, the world. Myself along with the other teenagers wearing blazers covered in pins and holding national flags are exchange students with the Rotary Youth Exchange Program this year. We, as teenagers from all over the world, have been given the opportunity for one year to represent our countries by living in a foreign land, ultimately spreading peace through service, by teaching and sharing our culture with a new country, while at the same time learning and accepting a different culture.

Before my exchange a Rotary member said to me “If every teenager in the world would go on exchange, there would be no more wars”, at first I didn't believe that statement, I thought to myself, what can teenage exchange students do to help the world? But now after experiencing exchange firsthand and I completely agree, because I now see the world as what it should be, a big family, like the new exchange student family I have made this year with people from all over the world; Katie from USA, Roy from Argentina, Bub from Thailand, Maxime from France and many many more.. Ultimately I would never want to start conflict or war with members of this unique family!

Through the Youth Exchange Program, Rotary has helped to spread “peace without borders” by breaking down the barriers between cultures and opening the eyes of teenagers from all of the world, shaping their minds to see how every person is just like them, with a family, with friends and an interesting culture to share. One wise exchange student, Roy, once said “If we as exchange students from all over the world can love each other as one big family and accept all cultures, then why can't the world simply do the same?”. As exchange students we know there are always going to be differences among people however we have grown tolerance through friendships and respect through accepting contrasting cultures. Ultimately the Rotary Youth Exchange Program has developed and spread peace throughout the world with a unique web of friendships!

The exchange year Rotary encourages and supports has allowed me to understand what true friendship is and what it truly means to start from nothing, regarding learning German, making friends and being accepted in a new country. There will never be a day in my life that I will forget or won't be thankful for the opportunity Rotary has given me. This ongoing experience, has been and will continue to be, the best experience and year of my life. I think on behalf of the Rotary exchange student family I can say thank you very very much Rotary for everything you have done for us, we are honestly so grateful!

To show exactly what I mean by Rotary's international acceptance, love and why all exchange students are so thankful for this opportunity I have brought some members of my family along with me today, who will perform a small item for you all! So please give a round of applause to amazing exchange students! Please watch and enjoy, thank you!

The Berlin Rotary Global Peace Forum was an amazing opportunity to express myself about exchange and how it also truly inspired me and has given me a new outlook on life.


6 - 10 Dec: DÜSSELDORF WITH CORI!! The 6th of December in Germany is called "Nikolaus Tag" (Nicholas Day), which is when the "Holy Nicholas" hides sweets and chocolates in the good children's shoes 
as a surprise before Christmas. So naturally i had no  idea about this day until I found a little bag of chocolates in my shoe haha, so cute! After getting overly excited about this surprise I headed to Cori's house, taking me about 6 hours by train, where I would stay for 4 days! During the 4 days Cori and I played in the fresh snow, about 20cms, went clubbing in Cologne with a friend, Phillip, and went to the Weihnachtsmarkt (Christmas markets), watched "Breaking Dawn" in German at the cinemas, and also had a lazy day where we just chilled and talked for hours on end. Such an amazing few days with my first German friend!!
more soon :)