At the moment I am extremely excited!! It is school holidays this week, next week I am travelling with Mum and dad/seeing Corinna, the week after that I am on Euro Tour with 150 exchange students for 3 weeks. SO MUCH FUN :) andddddddd i've booked 4 days in October in London with my two school friends, super excited!
31st Samstag Mar - My Hawaiian friend Katie, who lives in Ribnitz - a town about 20 mins away from mine, came to Rostock! First, her host parents dropped her off and after jokingly insulting me about my height they left. We drank tea with my host parents, talked about the life of exchange students and after 5 minutes they absolutely loved her! We quickly got ready and then headed to the train station, where unusually the train was late - very unlike German trains.At Hauptbanhof (Main station) we meet Roy and that's when our exchange student day began. We walked around the OsternMarkt (Easter market) laughing, speaking in foreign languages and just being annoying exchange students, so much fun. 3 euros later we were on a ferris wheel almost peeing our pants and laughing hysterically as an employee spun our basket around and around and around.. so dodgy! I finally broke my bubble tea virginity with Katie, and I was sadly disappointed... I expected it to be a hot tea with bubbles in it but no it was on of those Chinese easyway drinks with chunky fruits in it or so called "bubbles".

After buying supplies we ended up at Roy's house having a cute exchange student dinner together. Luca (Roy's host brother/my soon to be host brother) and his girlfriend were home so they ended up coming out with us to Bar Fuss and Stubnitz :) Now we had a big group of awesome people and the night was looking extremely good. Once at Bar Fuss we meet up with Lauri and Vincent (guys from school), we stayed with them and just chilled. However about 2 hours later we ended up at one of their friend's parties, no idea how we got in/invited but it was hilarious and everyone loved us we were "the exchange students".
Finally we ended up at Stubnitz, I was really nervous that Katie wouldn't be let in as she is 16/she would be sent home at 12am as there is a curfew here in Germany but all was good! The boat was packed with people and the music was awesome, I lost everyone about 5 times and each time I did I met new people and each said that they loved Australians for their chilled nature and they also mentioned something about our killer animals.. Love being Australian! At about 3am I was getting worried/tired so Katie and l ended up going home by taxi and then just crashing when our heads hit our pillows. Once awake we realised how much we smelt of smoke (people smoke inside the clubs here!) and found bruises we didn't know how we got, but it was so worth it - best night. Katie absolutely loves Rostock now so she will come back all the time which is awesome! I loved having her here and I'm glad I have a girl exchange student living so close and especially since we get along so well too!
Also sorry about my English grammar, it is shocking, learning German has screwed it up majorly haha