German family and friends/Easter
Dienstag 3 Apr - NIGHTPARC. After recovering and sleeping a lot on Sunday and Monday I finally decided I should do something and get out of the house. I met up with a friend from school, Laury, and we just talked about the weekend and relaxed at a coffee shop. Laury had organised a little night out which I wasn't too sure about because I was starting to get sick, but the I thought to myself I am only here for a year why the heck not! So the night started off going to his house, meeting his mum and his dog (the biggest dog ever which resembles Nero a little bit), opening some red wine and listening to some German music. Then a few of his friends came over too and we talked, they are awesome people, and then headed to a club where supposedly everyone our age goes, Nightparc. Once inside I actually knew a few people surprisingly, I caught up with Ditschi and Johann (who was one of the first German guys I met), danced and talked with them :) It was a pretty good night just developing more friendship and dancing, a lot of dancing.

Mittwoch 4 Apr - EASTER EGG HUNT. Since Roy was a young boy he has been slightly deprived from the ultimate Easter experience, no easter eggs and no hunt only receiving an apple.. I decided it was my duty to organise an Easter egg hunt for him!! With the assistance of Laury, Laury's friend (Daniel), Katie and Katie's host sister I successfully organised an amazing Easter egg hunt in Laury's backyard. We made little paper baskets for the eggs and then we were ready to start. Laury, Daniel and I hid the eggs in especially hard spots. After running around like little kids for about half an hour Roy and Katie finally found every Easter egg. Katie found 35 and Roy 40. Roy was soooo happy that he won and I awarded him with a special prize, a Lindt bunny, though I was more excited when the Kinder suprises had Lion King toys :) The excitement finally died down a bit and we were all eating Kinder surprises when Luca (soon to be host brother) and Naima (Luca's girlfriend) arrived, we shared our stash and talked a lot. The weather was pretty nice so we went for a stroll along the beach, all in all a very cute day.
Freitag 6 Apr - MUM AND DAD IN ROSTOCK. Peter, Karin and myself picked Mum and Dad up at the Rostock harbour after the Ferry trip from Denmark. I was actually surprised when I saw them that I didn't cry or get overly excited, maybe since being here I have controlled my emotions (highly doubtful but maybe) - but when I did see them I felt a lot more relaxed than I've been as from then on it felt like I didn't need to try as hard as they are my parents and know everything about me. The day involved Peter and Karin showing us around Rostock, visiting the old city with its churches, cobblestone streets and rich history in the museum. We then had dinner at "The Old Western" restaurant with Peter and Karin, we talked forever and ate nice meals together - I didn't realize how good Peter and Karin's English was until they were in deep conversation with Mum and Dad. After a nice day/night we both headed home, Mum and Dad to their hotel and Peter, Karin and myself to Roggentin.

Samstag 7 Apr - MEETING ALL THE HOST FAMILIES. In the beginning of the day I took Mum and Dad to the Rostock Easter market. After looking at every stall, Mum buying many wooden Easter egg ornaments and of course the shop at H&M, we meet up with Peter, Karin and Susi. They took us to a chocolate factory/shop then we headed to the Zeug's (my second host family) house for a BBQ dinner.
Off to Berlin, laters all!
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