Thursday 31 May 2012

Zoo and Fun!

Samstag 26 Mai - Zoo - Today I didn't expect to do anything just sleep, learn some german and laze around the house. BUT Roy's host family invited me to the Zoo with them as they were performing in a musical concert at night there, I'd never been to the Rostock Zoo or seen them perform so I jumped at the opportunity. Roy and I were so excited just walking around the Zoo with his host siblings, Gabi and Caro. We saw so many new animal we didn't know existed, so crazy, like the possum/koala/bear thing. We feed goats and laughed at the flamingos drinking water, its so retarded.

 Then we all went and met up with Luca (my host brother) and watch their parents play in a classical concert. Some songs which caught our attention were songs from Dumbo, Harry potter and Star wars - so brilliantly performed! After the concert we bumped into Francy, Anna and her mum (the American/Germans) and their American exchange student - very cute. Overall a really nice day and night, just lots of fun. 

Sonntag 27 Mai - Fun! - At night Roy and I met up with the Ribnitz gang again, but this time they had a new member, Lauren - Katie's sister from US, so I as excited to party with them. We met up at a friend's apartment and had pre drinks,  then we went to the club named "Fun", everyone warned me about it saying it was really bad and full of under aged people.. but i loved it with Katie and the gang :)
Dancing and speaking German with school friends as well as hanging out with the exchange students was amazing.

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