Friday 13 July 2012

Distrikt Konference in Warnemunde!

From the 29th June to 1st July I had my last district conference with the oldies, so sad. There were only about 25 of us as most of the exchange students have gone home. Since Roy and I were the locals from the group we had to help a fair bit with picking everyone up from the station and getting them to the youth hostel etc.

29th Juni - First day of the Conference
At first Roy and I had a few hickups with the exchange students and different time trains/ train tickets, but we finally got to the youth hostel without too much trouble. After settling into the youth hostel we had a group bbq in the hostel garden, sadly though the weather wasn't very kind we got rained out. The rest of the night was spent inside the hostel talking about our adventurers on Euro tour and just soaking up the little bit of time we had left together - it was Corey's last night with us and he wanted to go out on a bang... so we attempted to have a beach party but the weather ruined it due to the cold and wet atmosphere. 

30th Juni - Blazers and boatsToday was a very full day! First we headed to on of Rostock's beautiful gardens and had a tour - highlight was the little garden houses and pretty flowers. In the huge garden we found a map of the world and everyone stood where they lived - Will and I pigbacked (Australia is the yellow blob).

Then we had a tour of Rostock's navy boat (Dad you would have loved it) a little bit boring but Corey and I played the Titanic so it was funny. Then we all headed to a ferry and had a nice cruise around Rostock harbour, I never realized how big and amazing my city is. Once refreshed from the cruise we all walked to Warnemunde's most posh hotel where we all suited up in our Rotary blazers and presented ourselves to our regions head Rotarians. Two exchange student gave a speech, Aya  (Japanese) performed a traditional dance, Bika (Balinese) sang the saddest song about always being together and all the exchange students sang a German song, Hinterm Horizont - by the end most of the exchange students were crying.

 After all the emotions were out a small group ended up getting pommes (chips), as Roy and I always do, and we just chilled. Next on the agenda was sailing, but sadly first we needed to say goodbye to Corey. Corey is one of the nicest boys ever and we got along so well, he is one of the oldies I going to miss immensely - but I'm going to visit him in Rockport USA so everythings good. Once the tears stopped we hopped on the sailing boat and had an hour trip, pretty cool. I talked with the captain, a Rotarian, and he said that Rostock will be getting 3 new exchange students - so that means I won't be alone after all,  but still I am devasted the oldies are leaving. 
At night we had a beach party since the weather was much better. My school friend, Karo, was having an 18th party there too so we all met up, it was quite nice for the exchange students and my school friends to mix. 

1st Juli - Goodbye time :(
Today involved a slow breakfast, just chatting away with the exchangers then packing up and sadly saying goodbye. We all travelled together to the train station and had lunch together still chatting like nothing was going to happen, then all of a sudden all of them were gone and it was just Roy and I standing at the station - so depressing. We had moments of silence in memory of all the great things we have done with all the international exchangers, not thinking about the fact that we are probably never going to see them again, but then again "hinterm horizont gehts weiter" + "zusammen sind wir stark" = never leaving the exchange students and we will meet again. 

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