Mittwoch 20 Juni - My last school day with Roy!!
I can't imagine school without him, I have really no idea what I am going to do with my time and who to hang out with while my school friends are studying. Here is two photos to commemorate all the stupid times we've spent in the common room when everyone else was doing work and of course one of Roy's drawings.
21 Donnerstag - 24 Samstag Juni = HURRICANE FESTIVAL!!
It was the best weekend I have had in a while :) I was with such great people and listened to lots of amazing music!!
First off I drove with Laury and Luca to the festival grounds, took about 5 hours due to all the people doing the same - lots of fun though as when the traffic was no moving people would get out of their cars, open a beer and chat among each other - really cool. Once at the festival ground we met with Tini (Laury's girlfriend) and her friend, Marie - both lovely people. Our camping area was so small and full of people, but that made it a lot more fun as we became friends with everyone around us. I made good friends with a boy from Berlin, Jan, and his friends, we had water fights together and played cards a lot. Also I kept bumping into some boys from near Bremen who were dressed as sailors, very nice boys, they carried around confetti so we'd run around with them throwing confetti at everyone.
Friday night there was a public viewing of the Deutschland championship game, so much patriotism and so many people... Germany won 4-1. My favourite day was Saturday as i was with the girls; Tini, Marie and Anna (Tini's other friend) and we chilled, and then went to all the amazing bands together - Mumfords and Sons, Florence and the Machines and Blink 182. I got lost once but then I had the most fun as I found the sailors and we had a little adventure together...overall there were about 50 000 people there, insanely big! The only shame was that the weather on the last day was horrible, raining and so windy, that made us leave a little bit earlier, but otherwise the weather for the first 3 days was perfect and warm. We have all said that we will meet again soon so I'm excited, its great to have friends that are older and out of school as they have a bit more time and can come out with me.
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